IrfanView 4.25 verfügbar
Wohl der bekannteste Bildbetrachter unter Windows hat wieder eine neue Version. Im changelog ist einiges neues zu finden.Der Bildbetrachter zeigt so um die 60 Formate an, was im Moment wohl das beste ist was man so bekommen kann. Im Prinzip sollte das Tool auf jeden Fall ein Platz in der „must have“ Liste eines jeden Windows Benutzers sein. Wer noch nicht genug vom Funktionsumfang, darf auch über das Pluginsystem die gewünschte Funktionalität erweitern.
New capture option: Region capture (Thanks to grebulon)
(as option in Capture dialog or hotkey: CTRL + PrintKey) -
OCR Feature/PlugIn added (Options menu, Hotkey: F9, full image or selection)
PlugIn download:
New command line switches for /capture
4 = use region capture, 5 = start in capture mode using dialog settings -
New and re-arranged Properties dialogs
New Color Management options in Properties->Viewing (new LCMS PlugIn needed)
Burning PlugIn: can burn using Nero or Windows interface (WinXP or later)
Support for JLS format (JPEG-LS, PlugIn by KATO Kanryu)
Support for WBZ/WBC/WB1 formats (Webshots formats, PlugIn by V. Paramoshin)
New display option: Use Resample for zooming (Menu: View->Display options)
New fullscreen option: Use Resample for zooming (Properties->Fullscreen)
Option to save changes on exit in now also used for image/file change
New option in Batch-Scan dialog: Remember last scan counter
Previous „Search files“ dialog results showed again on next search
Batch rename dialog: Last 15 rename patterns are saved
New Thumbnails sort options: Sort by image DPI
New placeholder: $p (image DPI)
New buttons/options in File-Replace dialog for multiple files
Resample bug with very special images fixed (TIF bug reported by Secunia, thanks!)
The option „View->Lock zoom“ works now with all display options
Show PNG and TGA/DDS alpha color options merged (Properties->Viewing)
New command line option: /reloadonloop
Reload input source used in /slideshow when list is finished -
Command line, /convert: exit codes added: 0 = OK, 1 = load error, 2 = save error
Support for TIFs with 12 bits per channel
New option in Postscript PlugIn: Enable Antialiasing for better quality
New button in EXIF dialog: Show in GeoHack-Wiki (for GPS coordinates)
New help menu: Check homepage for updates
Browsing hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + number (0-9), decrease file index by number
Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions